We've just released version 1.1.0 for the plugin VieCode Shop: Integration of the Payment Service Provider Mollie.
Notable Changes
- The "MyBank" payment method is now supported.
- The Mollie API Client for PHP has been updated to version 2.17.0.
- Potential errors that may occur regarding responses from the Mollie API are now caught and handled better.
VieCode Shop: Integration des Zahlungsdienstleisters Mollie
Integrieren Sie den europäischen Zahlungsdienstleister Mollie in Ihren VieCode Shop, um Ihren Kunden bewährte Zahlungsmethoden wie PayPal, Kreditkarte, Apple Pay, SEPA-Banküberweisung, TWINT, paysafecard sowie viele andere, beliebte Zahlungsmethoden…
ab EUR 17,99
This update can be downloaded by customers in the store of Krymo Software or in the Plugin-Store of WoltLab.