Compatibility of our Products with WoltLab Suite™ 6.1

    • Official Post

    It's almost time again: The release of the new version series WoltLab Suite™ 6.1 is imminent. We would therefore like to inform you today about adjustments to our plugins so that you can plan the update of your websites.

    Compared to WoltLab Suite™ 6.0, the technical adjustments required for WoltLab Suite™ 6.1 are less. However, as always, it is important to us that our plugins work smoothly and error-free so that you and your users have no stress or hassle. That's why we attach great importance to quality assurance. The compatibility checks, technical adjustments and subsequent tests take some time. We therefore intend to adapt all our currently distributed plugins by the end of 2024.

    An update to WoltLab Suite™ 6.1 will only be possible once the manufacturers of all installed plugins have made their plugins compatible with the new version series and explicitly released them in the form of a new plugin version. This also applies to all Krymo Software plugins.

    A possible update fee for the new plugin versions depends on the respective effort. However, we expect to be able to provide most of the plugin versions free of charge this time, provided that the plugin versions are not also accompanied by newly implemented features.

    After a recent comprehensive modernization and expansion of the Game Server Viewer product line, we are pleased to announce that the Game Server Viewer and its add-ons will be promptly adapted after the release of WoltLab Suite™ 6.1. Customers who have already purchased Game Server Viewer for WoltLab Suite™ 6.0 or will purchase it in the coming weeks will receive free upgrade access.

    Our package server for WoltLab Suite™ 6.1 is already available, so you can update the plugins you have purchased from us almost automatically via the administration control panel as soon as we have released plugin versions with support for WoltLab Suite™ 6.1.