We've just released version 1.0.1 for the plugin List of Assigned User Groups in User Profiles.
Notable Changes
- Due to a compatibility problem this plugin couldn't be installed if the plugin Members list by Usergroup by beMananas was installed. Both plugins shared the same identifier for the permission (user.profile.canViewUserGroupList), which is why the identifier of the permission of this plugin has been changed to user.profile.canViewUserPageGroupList. Despite this change, when upgrading from version 1.0.0, all existing permissions of this plugin will be adopted, so there's no need to reconfigure them after the update.
Auflistung zugewiesener Benutzergruppen in Benutzerprofilen
Listen Sie in den Benutzerprofilen die den Benutzern zugeordneten Benutzergruppen auf, damit Sie nicht extra in das ACP wechseln müssen.
This update can be downloaded for free in the store of Krymo Software or in the Plugin-Store of WoltLab.