Update: VieCode Shop: Integration of paysafecard (Manual Processing) 1.0.2

    • Official Post

    We've just released version 1.0.2 for the plugin VieCode Shop: Integration of paysafecard (Manual Processing).

    Notable Changes

    • The server-side validation of paysafecard PINs has been improved.
    • Empty paysafecard PIN fields were stored in the database as empty paysafecard PINs and were therefore displayed incorrectly in the order details in the ACP.
    • Submitting paysafecard PINs now triggers the shop notification "Payment Verified", if it has been set up previously. You can specify software.krymo.woltlab.viecode.shop.payment.paysafecard.manual as condition, so that the shop notification "Payment Verified" is only triggered for this payment method.


    This update can be downloaded by customers in the store of Krymo Software or in the Plugin-Store of WoltLab.